Place born
Organisation / Person
1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

c.1830-1919, manufacturer of dyestuffs; chemicals manufacturer, Huddersfield, England

Read Holliday and Sons Limited

1830 - 1919

1829-1904, geologist; astronomer, British; Welsh

Roberts, Isaac

1829 - 1904

c. 1830-1913, dermatologist, French?

Zambaco Pacha, Demetrius Alexandre

1830 - 1913

1828-1901, surgeon, Austrian-born; German

Junker, Ferdinand Ethelbert

1828 - 1901

1829-1917, dentist and inventor of a mechanical drill, American

Morrison, James Beall

1829 - 1917

1830-1895, professor of chemistry, German

Meyer, Lothar

1830 - 1895

1829-1901, physician; chemist, German

Thudichum, John Louis William

1829 - 1901

1829-1897, inustrial chemist, French

Schutzenberger, Paul

1829 - 1897

1830-1922, gynaecologist, professor of obstetrics, naturalist, numismatist, American

Storer, Horatio Robinson

1830 - 1922

1829-1891, artist, English; British

Long, Edwin

1829 - 1891

1829-1906, active 1850s-1880s inventor; preparer of peat specimens, British

Wigham, John Richardson

1829 - 1906

1829-1841, lithographer, London, United Kingdom

Ducote and Stephen's

1829 - 1841

1828-1903, painter of miniatures; portrait painter, English; British

Wells, Henry Tanworth

1828 - 1903

1828-1885, diplomatist, British

Parkes, Sir Harry Smith

1828 - 1885

1828-1918, manufacturer of engines; manufacturer of agricultural machinery, Grantham, England

R. Hornsby and Sons Limited

1828 - 1918

active 1828-1947, marine & aeronautical navigational instrument maker, London, England, British

Henry Hughes and Son Limited

1828 - 1947

1830-1899, professor of mathematics and engineering; astronomer, British

Moore, Benjamin Theophilus

1830 - 1899

1830-1898, surgeon, French

Péan, Jean

1830 - 1898

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

Kingett, James Charles

1811 - 1916

Wright, William Barton

1828 - 1915

Butler, Josephine Elizabeth

1828 - 1906

1830-1907, naval architect, British; English

Mackrow, George Colby

1830 - 1907

active 1828-1859, manufacturer of ceramics, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, England

Samuel Alcock and Company

1828 - 1859

1829-1902, farmer; inventor; businessman, American

Gibbs, James Edward Allen

1829 - 1902

1828-1866, medallist, Belgian

Geefs, Alexander George

1828 - 1866

1828-1906, physician; microscopist, British; English

Beale, Lionel Smith

1828 - 1906

1829-1904, promoter of the horse tramway, American-born; British

Train, George Francis

1829 - 1904

c.1829-1905, active from 1857, photographer, French, active in Asia

Mallitte, Oscar Jean Baptiste

1829 - 1905

1828-1870, ophthalmologist, German

Graefe, Albrecht von

1828 - 1870

1828-1890, surgeon; professor of medicine in Paris, French

Trelat, Ulysse

1828 - 1890

1829-1906, physician; pediatric surgeon, Austrian

Weinlechner, Josef

1829 - 1906

1830-1858, photographer, British

Howlett, Robert

1830 - 1858

1829-1896, physician and physiological chemist, Scottish, British

Harley, George

1829 - 1896

1828-1871, artist; painter, English; British

Sutcliffe, Thomas

1828 - 1871

1829-2001, steel manufacturer; shipbuilder; engineer, Sheffield and Birkenhead, England

Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd.

1829 - 2001

1829-1901, botanist, Dutch

Van Eeden, Frederik Willem

1829 - 1901

active 1830/31-1925, optical instrument maker, English; British

Browning, John

1830 - 1925

1830-present (2011), supplier of garage tools and equipment, London, England, British

Buck and Hickman Limited


1829 - present, steel manufacturer, Sheffield

Sandersons Brothers and Co.


1829-1908, inventor; engineer, American

Pelton, Lester Allan

1829 - 1908

1830-1895, Khedive of Egypt and Sudan, reigned 1863-1879

Pasha, Isma'il

1830 - 1895

1828-1905, author, French

Verne, Jules

1828 - 1905

1830-1902, plant physiologist, French

Deherain, Pierre Paul

1830 - 1902

1828-1893, physician; obstetrician; gynaecologist, British

Hewitt, William Morse Graily

1828 - 1893

1828-1884, physician, Romanian, Italian-born

Davila, Carol

1828 - 1884

1829-1916, engineer; inventor, British

Bousfield, Edward Tenney

1829 - 1916

active 1829-1830s, iron founder; anchor smith; marine engine maker; civil engineer, Bristol, England

William Daniel and William Edward Acraman

1829 - 1842